Republicans for Toms River Announces Council Slate

Official GOP Club backs ward candidates focused on fiscal responsibility, ethics, and fighting against Phil Murphy’s extreme policies.

For Immediate Release

Toms River, April 6, 2021 – Following its success at the OCGOP Convention, where it was recognized as the official, Republican municipal club in Toms River, “Republicans For Toms River” today announced it was endorsing a slate of four Township Council candidates in this year’s June primary election: Councilwoman Maria Maruca in Ward 1, Jason Crispin in Ward 2, Jim Quinlisk in Ward 3, and David Ciccozzi in Ward 4 as candidates for Toms River Council.

“Maria, Jason, Jim and David are community minded individuals focused on ensuring a positive future of our town,” said Club President Anne Hammill Pasqua. “I am confident that our platform of fiscal responsibility, strong ethics, and standing strong against Phil Murphy’s destructive and extreme policies will resonate with voters across our town.”

Councilwoman Maria Maruca serves Ward 1 with integrity putting the needs of the community at the forefront. Her strong leadership has guided the town through hardship during Hurricane Sandy and continues to protect our bay and beach communities. She has volunteered and served for the American Cancer Society, Board of Directors of Toms River Chamber of Commerce, Jersey Shore Region Tourism, National Alliance for Mental Health, New Jersey Tourism Industry Association, Ocean County Tourism Advisory Council and Ocean of Love. She is a member of St. Justin’s Roman Catholic Church. She also brings a solid business acumen gained from past experience in her family-owned business, Maruca’s Tomato Pies.

“A vote for Maruca for Ward 1 is a vote for decisiveness, determination and dependability shaping the success of tomorrow,” said Hammill Pasqua.

Jason Crispin has strong roots in Toms River and resides in Ward 2. Crispin is a lifetime resident of Toms River and a graduate of Toms River High School East. He volunteers on the Zoning Board of Adjustment currently serving as Vice Chairperson. His zoning background gives him an edge in finding solutions to improve our town. He is a citizen who genuinely cares about the needs of the residents and finding solutions to town issues. He is an instructor at Ocean County Vocational Technical School. He is a board member of the New Jersey State Vocational Training Planning Board and Toms River Youth Advisory Board.

“A vote for Crispin for Ward 2 is a vote for a strong leadership and a positive future for the families of Toms River,” said Hammill Pasqua.

Jim Quinlisk resides in Ward 3 with his wife, Terry. They have raised four children together. Quinlisk, along with his wife, are successful small business owners of Abby Lifts Inc. Quinlisk is a lifelong Toms River resident and graduated from High School East in 1985. He is committed volunteer. He has served with Pleasant Plains Fire Service for the past 14 years in several capacities and leadership roles, most recently becoming a Commissioner for Fire District #2. The knowledge gained as both a business owner and a Commissioner brings vital elements of fiscal responsibility and long-term planning that are the keys to a successful future.

“A vote for Quinlisk in Ward 3 is a vote for energy, enthusiasm and excellence in finding solutions for Toms River’s future,” said Hammill Pasqua.

David Ciccozzi lives in Ward 4. He has raised his three children in Toms River as a single parent following the loss of his wife at a young age. He is a dedicated member of the community serving as the Chairperson of the Toms River Planning Board. He is a member of the Toms River Business Improvement District. Ciccozzi is a self-employed proprietor and holds a commercial real estate license. He is running for the Ward 4 Council seat. He brings positivity, leadership and strategic planning to the role of councilman.

“A vote for Ciccozzi for Ward 4 is a vote for honesty, decency, and a commitment to service that our town deserves,” said Hammill Pasqua.
